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Blackshirt Feeders in a nutshell...

Proposed Site: Western Dundy County, northwest of Haigler, Nebraska.


Capacity: Current plans are for an initial build-out of a 50,000 head capacity feedlot, with plans to reach 150,000 head over the next 3-5 years.


Water: The feedlot has purchased irrigated acres in the local vicinity and retired existing irrigation wells, so that there will be no net difference in ground water depletion.


Size: The footprint of the feedlot will be approximately 50% of the footprint of a traditional dirt-floor feedlot of a similar capacity, due to the innovative pen base of Roller-Compacted Concrete.


Reduced Nuisance: Roller-Compacted Concrete allows for more hygienic practices in pens, which will diminish the presence of flies, dust, and odor.


Jobs: At full-operation, the feedlot is projected to employ about 130 people.

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